Drum Replacement in CUBASE 9

Drum replacement in CUBASE 9

When it’s time to do Drum Replacement, I will often use Trigger 2 as an insert plugin directly on the track I want to replace the sample on. But there is another way of achieving the same thing in Cubase without the use of a third party plugin.

In my example, I’m replacing a kick drum sound with a kick sample, actually, I will only blend the sample with the original kick to enhance the sound. The original kick sounded ok but was a bit loose with a loss of punch. By blending a kick sample with it, the kick ended up sounding pretty solid and tight. So mission accomplished!

Then I did all of this by creating hitpoints on the original kick drum track and create a midi track out of the hitpoints. Then I sent this new midi track to Battery 4 using That Sound drum samples. Now you can work with the drum sampler you want. Groove Agent SE is actually included in Cubase and can be used for this type of work no problem. it has a lot of good drum sounds.

In this video, I will show you how to do Drum Replacement in Cubase without the use of third-party plugins with a simple technique.

[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://youtu.be/FYbh2EY8Byc” width=”640″ height=”360″ autohide=”no”]

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