Hello there! I hope you’re having an amazing day!
Today’s video is the final video on the “MIX YOUR VOCALS” series and we’re discussing delay.

Delay effects can be an amazing creative tool to master in your vocal arsenal. This tool can help you take an okay vocal track to a polished, large, huge sounding vocal.

In this vocal series video we discuss:
– Slapback delays
– Stereo delays
– Delay throws

*BONUS* We even talk about an extra technique to widen your vocals 😉

As always, please subscribe to my Youtube channel if you like what you see; let’s get these helpful tips out there so better mixes are made!


Here is a good article on this topic from my good friend Tosho at Mixing Tips.
Adding Delay on Vocals: 4 Basic Types of Delays used on Vocals

4 thoughts on “MIX YOUR VOCALS – How to use DELAY”

  1. Thanks for another great video. I’ve been watching the whole serie and was almost expecting that you would bring up using a limiter as the final piece in the chain. I did recently use one for the first time and I think the mix sounded more consistent. Maybe if I get this vocal rider(been watching some tutorials on it and it seems great) I will not need the limiter? What is your view on using a limiter on a single vocal?

    1. It’s not something that I do a lot since I do gain automation and parallel compression but using a limiter especially on a dense mix can be very useful. I love limiters on stacked back vocals though…A lot of pro mixing engineers use Limiters on vocals. Good question 🙂

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